Online Cooking Classes with Chef Clément

As on television, Chef Clément has been offering you since the start of the Covid pandemic online cooking classes, by videoconference (Via Zoom).

He created Visiochef a few months before the pandemic and it has now become a reference in France.

From its kitchen equipped with a real video control room with a multi-camera set, you will create together, each from your home, simultaneously, one or more recipes of your choice.

You can choose a cooking or baking recipe. Discover the 3 formulas offered according to the desired duration and the number or difficulties of the recipes.

From 50 minutes to 1h15

9000the class
  • 1 recipe to choose
  • Payment before the class by Paypal Services

From 1h30 to 2h10

15000the class
  • From 1 to 2 recipes to choose
  • Payment before the class by Paypal Services

From 2h30 to 3h10

25000the class
  • From 2 to 3 recipes to choose
  • Payment before the class by Paypal Services